Telstar bio-decontamination chamber

Telstar is proud to announce it has designed and manufactured two Safety Airlock System (SAS) units with volumes of more than 5m³.

Each one is fitted with integrated ionised hydrogen peroxide (ionHP) bio-decontamination systems, and can be installed between two zones with different grades in Virbac’s aseptic manufacturing facility.

Telstar’s experience of installing bio-decontamination systems into isolators helped them to successfully adapt the system for use in a SAS, permitting the transference of materials into aseptic installations.

SAS units, developed by the Technology Centre for Barrier Isolation Systems at Telstar, sanitise material unsuitable for sterilisation by other methods. They are capable of bio-decontaminating a fully laden unit in less than two hours, while achieving a log six reduction in bio-burden. This has been validated using a bio-indicator (BI) challenge.

The two hour cycle duration is inclusive of aeration down to a level of <2ppm H2O2, while working independently to the facility’s HVAC system. Innovative ionHP systems are key factors for transfer systems, by providing a cost-effective and efficient way of bio-decontamination with reduced cycle times.

Cycle times are reduced because the efficiency of the system is not affected by temperature or humidity. No pre-conditions are required in the chamber prior to injection. The method of injection causes immediate disassociation of the liquid solution to produce hydroxyl radicals, ROS, O3, RNS, Plasma, UV and heat activation, providing synergistic effects of multiple antimicrobials.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered sterilant has a lower concentration of H2O2; 7.5% compared with other vapour-phase bio-decontamination systems, which can be up to 35%. A reduced level of concentration improves material compatibility and sterilant usage is reduced, saving operational costs.

Engineering manager at Telstar Warren McFee said: "The project proved to be very rewarding, involving Telstar’s project management team working alongside the client to meet their specific requirements."